Personal Data Protection & Privacy Policy – Terms of Use

The considers Personal Data Protection to be a very serious matter and therefore complies with the current legislation of the Data Protection Authority 2472/97 applicable to personal databases and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR). is committed to the full implementation of the applicable legislation and European regulations, taking into account the adoption of appropriate technical and administrative measures for the protection of personal data.

Safety & Security Data Protection.

H recognizes the issue of data security as a matter of major importance and for this very reason all necessary organisational and security measures shall be taken, and the most appropriate technical protection mechanisms are applied content, with the aim of providing the safest possible environment for users, in accordance with the relevant legislative provisions. protects visitors / users from any data interception with the SSL-256 bit encryption method. The encryption applies to all stages and all procedures of sending personal data-elements.

Through our designers and administrators, we take every possible action towards the development, updating and improvement of the services provided and the website in general.

However, there is always the possibility of errors / malfunctions / interruptions in the content of the website and/or viruses or other malware appearing either on the website or on our server.

Browse our website

You can browse our website without providing any personal information. collects personal data of its visitors / users only when they voluntarily provide them.

Special care is taken for the data collected with the help of cookies. Due to the frequent and rapid changes in technology and the respective efforts of the legislator to keep up with these changes, is committed to inform you of any modification in its personal data management policy.

In case of disagreement of the visitor/user with this policy, he/she must stop and avoid browsing the website.

Data retention and processing principles is committed to making every effort to safeguard the personal nature of your data. Therefore, it cannot transfer them to any third party (natural or legal) for any reason except in cases where provided by law and exclusively to the competent authorities.

Minor visitors have access to our services only with the consent of their parents or guardians, while in case of submission of personal data by minors, will immediately delete all relevant information.

The visitor/user can at any time contact the administrators of the website at [email protected] to find out if there is a file with his/her data, while he/she can change them and delete them from the lists whenever he/she wishes. keeps records with the personal data of users exclusively for financial, tax and communication purposes. It may, in the context of the continuous improvement of its services and information, process, under strict conditions of confidentiality and anonymity, part or all of the data you have sent for statistical and financial reasons.

Information stored automatically – cookies

You can browse our website without providing any personal information. collects personal data of its visitors / users only when they voluntarily provide them.

Special care is taken for the data collected with the help of cookies (read more in the Cookies Policy). Due to the frequent and rapid changes in technology and the respective efforts of the legislator to keep up with these changes, informs you of any modification to its personal data management policy.

In case of disagreement of the visitor/user with this policy, he/she must stop and avoid browsing the website.

Messages via contact form

You can submit your message to either through the general contact form or through specially designed contact forms that may be found on the websites of services and/or products.

By submitting your message through any contact form to, you accept the present terms regarding the use of your personal data (name, e-mail or telephone number) on behalf of expressly undertakes not to use these data for marketing purposes nor to transfer them to third parties.

Time interval for storing your data.

The data provided by you are kept/stored by us only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which you have communicated them to us and in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

Hyperlinks (Hyperlinks)

With the help of appropriate links (links) within, the possibility of accessing third party websites, usually our customers & suppliers, is provided.

The placement of these links has been done with the sole purpose of facilitating visitors/users during their browsing on our website.

It is in no way an indication of acceptance or approval of the content of the linked websites.

Each link leads to a different website, the browsing of which is subject to the terms of use of that website. bears no responsibility whatsoever for the content and the personal data management policy of the linked website.

Access using the links provided to the website takes place under the sole responsibility of the user.

Time interval for storing your data.

The data provided by you are kept/stored by us only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purpose for which you have communicated them to us and in compliance with the applicable legal provisions.

Contact, request for information, withdrawal of consent, blocking & deletion.

You may at any time and without charge, object to the use of your personal data for the future, request their complete deletion, or request information about the data stored by us about your person or their correction.

You can send us an e-mail with your request to [email protected] or use the general contact form on our website

Update and modification reserves the right to modify / update individual sections of this Policy, without obligation to inform you in advance.

Please always read the Personal Data Protection Policy before using our website to keep up to date with the current version of the Policy, in case any amendments or updates have been made.

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